Worship with Us
In Person Worship and Live Stream On Facebook
Every Sunday
10:00 am
Services can been seen on Facebook or YouTube at any time
or listen on the podcast.
201 Kanawha Terrace
St. Albans, WV 25177
Facebook: First Presbyterian Church of St. Albans;
Email: fpcsa@firstpresbychurch.com
Phone 304 727-2241
Click on the Facebook Link below to like and subscribe to our Facebook page to
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Prayer Request Box
For Our Community
"Without actually attending worship services, you may just stop by, write out a request and put it in the box. Each Sunday, we'll pray over those requests."
First Presbyterian Church
201 Kanawha Terrace, St. Albans, WV 25177
Let’s Meet Our Neighbors!
How can we get to know our immediate neighbors around our church? How can we reach out to our community? Let's build some community ties. Let's invite them to come eat with us or just stop by to know who we are.